Tag: Cameron

Dec 14, 2016 / / PMQ sketch
Jul 20, 2016 / / PMQ sketch

It could have been Jeremy Corbyn’s fault for raising the spectre of the 1980’s by poking about in the miner’s strike. Or it could have been the extra adulation from the Tory back benches at the first appearance of Theresa…

Read the PostBack to the Future.

Jul 13, 2016 / / PMQ sketch

It was the look on the faces of the ”fucking useless connivers” which gave the game away. Otherwise known as the Parliamentary Labour Party, they had turned up to see how professionals ditched a leader they did not want. Treachery…

Read the PostThe connivers did not laugh.

Jul 6, 2016 / / PMQ sketch

Just when you thought it could not get any weirder, it did; Tony Blair rode to the rescue of Jeremy Corbyn. Six words in a billet doux to George W. Bush was all that it took: “I will be with…

Read the PostWith you whatever.

Jun 15, 2016 / / PMQ sketch

Out on the Thames Captain Jack Sparrow, disguised as Bob Geldof, was duking it out with Nigel Farage, disguised as Nigel Farage. Inside the Commons, Downing Street Dave was doing the same with Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National…

Read the PostDave: Down but not out…yet.

Apr 27, 2016 / / PMQ sketch

Bumptious is the sort of word you carry in your back pocket hoping to find a sentence to stick it in. Just when you think you never will, up steps David Cameron, Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.…

Read the PostMiliband the Younger -Two steps back.

Apr 20, 2016 / / PMQ sketch

There’s a touch of Baldrick’s dad about Jeremy Corbyn and more than a touch of General Melchett about David Cameron. Jeremy Hunt as Captain Darling is sublime casting – but we digress. Matters military often come to mind when surveying…

Read the PostTraditional Tory disloyalty kicked in.

Mar 22, 2016 / / PMQ sketch

If the whole brass section of the London Philharmonic had turned up, George would have out-brassed them. If you’d turned up expecting to hear an apology, you were in the wrong place. If you wanted a bath, you were in…

Read the PostGeorge smiled and showed his teeth.

Mar 9, 2016 / / PMQ sketch

Tory MP Michael Fabricant said it all yesterday when he used – as he later described it – “ an eight letter word beginning with ‘b’ and ending in ‘cks’.“ Mr Fabricant, for those who don’t know, is the MP…

Read the PostJeremy – 100 not in.

Feb 24, 2016 / / PMQ sketch

It was all going so well until somebody mentioned David Cameron’s mam: suddenly it was high noon for handbags. Until then it had been the normally irrelevant Wednesday outing for Prime Ministers Questions. With Europe as the issue of the…

Read the PostMrs Cameron’s boy.